Gray Matters Graphic Design & Photography

Graphic Design and Photography

Hazelbea At Home | Sqaure Online Website Design

Website Design, DesignSarah Vogl

Square & Weebly Merger

Square acquired Weebly in 2018. Beginning in 2021, they began to merge Square and Weebly accounts, phasing in new and old functionality that varied between the two services.

Unfortunately for the Weebly customers, the phasing-in of certain features and disconnect between item/sales reporting between the two merging services left certain sites at a disadvantage.

We began working on the Hazelbea At Home website to solve some technical issues. Upon investigation, I realized there were two different ways you could log into the same-ish service, each with very slightly different interfaces. As the developing teams behind each company worked to merge the services and as new features were being added to serve small business customers trying to implement things like curbside pick-up during the pandemic, there were a few things about Square’s version of things that I thought would be extremely beneficial to the Hazelbea At Home site.

The Problem

One of the biggest confusions for Hazelbea At Home customers was pick-up locations and times and delivery fees. On the old site, there was not a great way to host Hazelbea’s business model and fulfillment schedule. Each pick-up location has a different address and different hours, delivery fulfillment costs a fee and the delivery radius is limited.

On the old site, there was a bit of thinking involved for the customer. Delivery fees had to be manually added to the customer’s cart.

The Solution

It was a difficult (and confusing) call to make, but we ultimately ended up redesigning her entire Square site in favor of …also a Square site, but with all of the following problems solved:

  • streamlined & fool-proofed the interfaces for pick-up locations, pick-up times, and delivery fulfillment

  • merged and corrected item inventories

  • fixed sale & item report syncing problems between the Square POS dashboard and Square Online interfaces

  • made publishing weekly menus easier

On the new site, all of the individual pick-up locations and times are automated per-order super clearly and the delivery radius is limited to counties/area codes that are chosen by the owner.

The Process

We scheduled the bulk of our work on the days in between fulfillment periods at the beginning of the week so that we wouldn’t interrupt Hazelbea’s weekly business.

Besides the weekly Tuesday meal pick-up & delivery service, this site can also host specialty menus for in-house dining and holiday menus.

There’s quite a few moving parts to this system, so I created a document for the client (and for myself) for reference so everyone involved can ensure everything is interacting correctly every time we update it without worrying if we missed a step!

The following Square features were crucial to creating this customer experience: multiple fulfillment locations, batch visibility editing, and the “prepared food and beverage” item type.

Square continues to make updates to Square Online features, so things are constantly changing for the better for the Hazelbea At Home site!

Other Work for HazelBea

Before upgrading the HazelBea At Home website, we also upgraded the sister company’s HazelBea Catering site.