Photos taken: 5,934
Final photos: 1,134
Favorite photos (below): 366
My sleep schedule still has not recovered from this event, but I have no regrets.
Thank you for letting me be a part of your community year after year. I do this with the hope that my photos help you all remember how amazing this community makes us all feel once we go home and the “jesus high” fades.
Please share! I'm not as picky about these photos as I am about the rest of my work, but I still appreciate when you give me credit for my photos because a) I love to see you sharing them and b) it helps my business. I'm on all the websites.
Please don’t put filters on my photos. I know it’s tempting, but I spend about 8 hours editing an event like this, tweaking them until they’re just how I like them. (Cropping and b&w is fair game.)
Request a download link for the full collection of photos by contacting me.
You can also view this collection on flickr (it loads faster).
Part 1 (Sunday - Tuesday)

Part 2 (Wednesday morning - Thursday)

Part 3 (Thursday evening - Friday)