Gray Matters Graphic Design & Photography

Graphic Design and Photography


Portrait PhotographySarah Vogl

Rachel is one of my phenomenally lovely friends from Roanoke College. She's clever and totally beautiful, another one of my favorite people to shoot with. I love how moody these photos are.

Also, I've been having a lot of fun with a prism. 

STEPHEN DIESEL | Blacksburg Fitness Photography

Portrait Photography, Fitness PhotographySarah Vogl

An excellent example of why you should never cancel a shoot because of the rain! After we waited for 30 minutes or so, the rain let up and the lighting was excellent. I'm hoping to do more shoots like this which feature a little bit of yoga. 


Portrait PhotographySarah Vogl

Another glitter shoot, this time with one of my all-time favorite models. Emily is cute as hell and is always a blast to shoot with.